GBP/EUR transactions
Incorrect recipient's name.
Incorrect payment scheme.
Incorrect banking details.
Payment from a non-supported jurisdiction
NGN transactions
Invalid banking details.
Inactive bank account—An inactive bank account is one that has been closed or is dormant and cannot receive funds.
Restriction or account limit: Your bank cannot apply value due to a restriction on the account. A limitation could be on the customer's account or a limit on the amount the bank account can receive.
Non-NIP transfers: When making deposits to your naira account on Grey from a non-traditional bank, verify that they support NIP transfers, as non-NIP transfers will not be received.
USD transactions
Incorrect recipient's name.
Incorrect payment scheme.
Incorrect banking details.
Payment from a non-supported jurisdiction
How to avoid transaction failure.
For foreign transfers, ensure that the sender is provided with/uses the correct account information as it appears on the account page, especially your account name. Any payment made with a name other than your account name will result in rejected payments. Do not leave out any details when sharing your account details; all of the information provided on the account page is crucial to receiving successful payments.
Use an active and valid bank account when making payouts; ensure the account is not dormant, has no limits, and can receive the transaction amount.
When receiving foreign payments, please notify the sender of the supported payment schemes and ensure they use the suitable payment scheme. The supported payment schemes for each currency account are listed on the accounts page. Also, ensure payments are sent to or from the supported jurisdiction (country).
Ensure that only the supported currency for a specific currency account is sent to the currency account. E.g., Only EUR is transferred to the EU bank account. Sending payments aside from the designated currencies would lead to transaction failure.