Currency | Payment Channel | Fee |
BRL 🇧🇷 |
| $1 |
GBP 🇬🇧 | FPS, CHAPs, or BACs | 0.5% fee (minimum of £2 and maximum of £10) |
EUR 🇪🇺 | SEPA/SEPA Instant | 0.5% fee (minimum of €2 and a maximum charge of €10). |
GHC 🇬🇭 | Mobile Money (Vodafone, MTN, Airtel) | $0.2
| Bank transfer | $1.2
IDR 🇮🇩 | Bank transfer | $0.45 |
KES 🇰🇪 | Mobile money (Mpesa) | $0.5 |
| Bank transfer | $0.65 |
MXN 🇲🇽 | Bank transfer | $0.6 |
NGN 🇳🇬 | Bank transfer | N35 per transaction |
PHP 🇵🇭 |
| $0.85 |
ZAR 🇿🇦 | Bank transfer | $1.5 |
TZS 🇹🇿 | Mobile money
| $0.5 |